Our members and colleagues provide you with the opportunity to share their gardening expertise with you. Make the most of these opportunities to support and enjoy their hospitality.

Festival of Country Gardens – Spring Festival

31-3 Nov: .  25th birthday celebration for the Festival. There will be gardens exhibiting in Bridgetown, Balingup, Greenbushes, Kirup, Manjimup and Pemberton. Ranging from small acreage to larger country properties, […]

South West Rose Society Spring Rose Show

2-3 November  at the Eaton Sports Centre, 3 Council Drive, Eaton.  Display open Saturday 12 – 5, Sunday 9 - 3   Plant sales, morning & afternoon tea

Garden Clubs & Societies Plant Fair

22 & 23 February:  at the South Perth Community Hall, cnr Sandgate Street & South Terrace, South Perth. Saturday 8.30am to 4pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm. Entry $5. This is […]