Our members and colleagues provide you with the opportunity to share their gardening expertise with you. Make the most of these opportunities to support and enjoy their hospitality.
Rose Society of WA pruning demonstrations
Rose Society of WA will hold pruning demonstrations each weekend. Bring your secateurs and come and learn how to prune roses from experienced rosarians. 6th July – Scarborough Uniting Church, Cnr Northstead & Moorland Streets, Scarborough 9am- 12noon – morning tea provided
Rose society of WA pruning demonstration
Rose Society of WA will be holding pruning demonstrations each weekend. Bring your secateurs and come and learn how to prune roses from experienced rosarians. 14th July at Cambridge Rose Gardens, cnr Selby and Cambridge Streets 2-4pm - Lions Club will provide afternoon tea.
Rose Society of WA pruning demonstrations
Rose Society of WA will be holding pruning demonstrations each weekend in July. Bring your secateurs and come and learn how to prune roses from experienced rosarians. 20 July at Meckering Memorial Rose Garden 10am until finished.
Cymbidium Orchid Show –
26-28 July: , to be held on the grounds at EZI-GRO Orchids, 76 Evandale Rd, Darch WA. Friday 26th 9am to 4pm, Saturday 27th 9am to 4pm, Sunday 28th 9am to 3pm
Rose Society of WA pruning demonstrations
Rose Society of WA will be holding pruning demonstrations each weekend in July. Bring your secateurs and come and learn how to prune roses from experienced rosarians. 31 July (Wednesday) at Nedlands Memorial Peace Rose Gardens, Stirling Highway, Nedlands from 10am to 12noon.
Open Gardens WA are holding a Volunteers Info Morning
15 September 9.30-11.30. We need help with a variety of tasks. To register your interest email volunteers@opengardenswa.org
Gathering About Bonsai
17-18 August- A weekend to learn about bonsai more details on our website https://bonsaisocietyofwesternaustralianfp.wildapricot.org/event-5523181
South Eastern Orchid Show State Championships
24 - 25 August at Cannington Show Grounds
Garden Clubs & Societies Plant Fair
7 & 8: Garden Clubs & Societies Plant Fair at the South Perth Community Hall, cnr Sandgate Street & South Terrace, South Perth. Saturday 8.30am to 4pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm. Entry $5. This is a cash only event, some vendors will have eftpos. Refreshments available.
Open Gardens WA are holding a Volunteers Info Morning
15 September: 9.30-11.30. We need help with a variety of tasks. To register your interest email volunteers@opengardenswa.org