
Western Australian Horticultural Council Inc – to contact:

Executive Officer,    Jillian Plester: (08) 9309 3936 or

Bob Hunter – Chairman – 0438 906 229;         Neil Boyd -Deputy Chairman 0417 984 568:

Committee Members: Matija Vassiliou – 0407 986 205, John & Sue Pearson – 0407 718 377,  Norm Wise – 9390 8895, Barbara Johnson 0409 371 800

Council can refer public enquiries regarding garden related problem to the relevant affiliated society but is not set up as an advisory service. If the enquiry is relevant to native plants, then the best source is the Friends of Kings Park Horticultural Advice and Support team:

c/- Botanic Gardens and Park Authority, Kattidj Close, Kings Park.

Email:  Telephone  (+61 8) 9480 3672

Need native garden advice? The Friends of Kings Park Horticultural Advice and Support team enjoy spreading the word about WA’s glorious native plants and how to grow them successfully.

The free advisory service is focused on WA native plant species in urban gardens and covers topics such as pests, propagation, potting, planting and pruning.

Enquiries regarding exotic plants, such as non-native roses and canary palms, are best directed to your local nursery.

If you are seeking plant identification, please send photographs along with your email including close-up views of flowers and leaves. Specific location details are also appreciated.

You can email or phone. An answering machine will record your question when the phone is unattended and your call will be returned.